How Fast Will a Car Loan Raise My Credit Score?

Even though being prompt with monthly payments will ultimately result in an improved credit score, most people who own automobiles will first see a momentary drop in their credit score.

Purchasing a vehicle is, in a nutshell, a brilliant method to grow your credit score throughout the loan's duration. However, this is more of a plan for establishing credit over the long term.

Continue reading to learn more about how auto loans are affects your credit report and how they might affect your credit score.

How Your Car Loan Affects Your Credit

The process of obtaining a loan for a vehicle may have various effects on your credit. First, a temporary reduction in your credit score of a few points will occur. This is because the new loan was reported to the credit agencies, in addition to the hard inquiry that resulted from the credit check.

Your credit score is likely to improve after you have made numerous payments on time, and it will improve more once you have paid off more of the primary debt. A new vehicle loan might have many implications, depending on the state of your credit.

It can be factor in making your credit mix diversified, initially raising the percentage of your available credit that you utilize, adding new credit, and bringing down your accounts' average age.

Increasing your credit score requires a significant investment of time. Maintaining a positive payment history on an open car loan is a significant factor in determining the duration and quality of your credit history.

Factors that Determines Your Credit Score

Your credit score is not only based on an educated guess; rather, it is calculated using a formula that takes into account five key aspects of your financial history. The majority of creditors in the car financing industry base their decisions on a consumer's FICO credit score.

There are five components that go into determining one's FICO score. Your credit score may be affected positively or negatively by each of the following elements, which are listed in order of importance:

  • Payment history (35 percent): Those who are new to credit cards have a fantastic chance to improve their credit history, which is the component that carries the most significant weight in terms of importance. Your credit score will increase by a little amount for each month that you pay the bill for your card on time. Establishing a pattern will allow you to build your creditworthiness more rapidly, provided that you can avoid missing any credit card payments.
  • Credit utilization (30 percent): The credit utilization ratio, also known as your debt-to-available-credit ratio, is the percentage of the overall credit limit that has been used across all different lines of credit. As a general rule, you should aim to maintain this number between 10 and 30 percent to sustain your excellent standing.

However, lowering this ratio isn't the only thing that has to be done to develop credit successfully; opening additional card accounts or increasing your credit limit are also good options. If you make an effort to pay off your outstanding amounts, it will assist your credit usage, ultimately improving your credit score.

  • Length of credit history (15 percent): The average age of your credit accounts is what we mean when we speak about the length of your credit history. Because the longer an account has been active, the better it is for your credit score; thus, you should avoid canceling any old accounts to preserve your score as high as possible.

There are circumstances in which closing a credit card account is the best course of action, but, as a general rule, you will profit more by maintaining your existing accounts. 

  • Credit mix (10 percent): You may improve both your credit mix's health and credit score by adding additional forms of debt to your profile. This will result in a higher credit score. Opening up new credit card accounts and taking on more debt is often helpful, provided that the payments can be managed.

As a result, don't apply for many new lines of credit simultaneously. This reflects poorly on you in the eyes of lenders.

  • New credit (10 percent): Provides information to creditors that assists them in determining how much of a borrower's credit history may be too recent for use in making an accurate evaluation of creditworthiness. Because your debt is one of the main elements impacting your score, it may be beneficial to consider increasing your credit limit to prevent your credit cards from being maxed out and reduce the percentage of credit you are using.

Average Credit Score Recovery Time

In other cases, such as bankruptcy or foreclosure, repairing your credit might take many years. It may only take a few months to rebuild your credit score if you've fallen behind on payments or exceeded your credit limit. 

For example, the average recovery time for bankruptcy is over 6 years while it takes 3 years to recover from foreclosure. It takes around 18months for you to rebuild your credit score if you default your payments while it takes 3 month to rebuild it if you have maxed credit card account or you are applying for  new credit card.